Monday, April 15, 2013

Allen's Assembly Recap and More

We had our Special Assembly Day yesterday. At our brand new assembly hall! It's absolutely gorgeous! I would have taken pictures, but it was so crowded! Anyway, it was really neat, and the program was so very good!

Anyway, for Allen, these were the highlights:

  • The huge screens on either side of the stage, that projected the speaker so that everyone in the auditorium could see him. 
  • The baptism and the baptism pool. It's really a gorgeous pool, and Allen really wanted to go into it. It was really neat because they projected the baptism on the big screens, so we were able to see our friends (four in our congregation) without fighting the crowd to see it at the pool.
  • Lunchtime. He's six, so what do you expect? As soon as the session started, he leaned over to me and said, "I'm hungry and thirsty." So I'm sure he was THRILLED when he was finally able to eat.
He also informed me that he wants to get baptized, probably sometime after Daddy and I are dead. Like when he's Justin's age (a 13 year-old boy who got baptized yesterday). Boy, he's killing us off soon, huh?

For me, the highlight (other than the material) was seeing Allen enthusiastically singing two of the songs. He's been listening to them in the car with Nana, so he was very familiar with them. He was so cute! (Papa may or may not have cried). 

This morning as we were driving to school, I had the radio on, but the volume was down. Our radio has a screen that shows the band and the name of the song on it. Allen reads that the Rolling Stones are on, and says, "Doesn't Papa like the Rolling Stones?" I said, "Yes, he loves them." Allen was quiet a minute, and the said, "Please turn it up!" I love that he's so observant, and that he wants to listen to what we all like :)

We were also discussing the week ahead, and who was picking him up today, and such. He remembered that I don't work Saturday, and so that means I can go in service with him. He said, "The best part about you, Mommy, is that you get to go to Gramma's [for field service arrangements]. You get dressed so fast -- you're amazing!" He made this observation because Nana rarely gets to go to arrangements because she's taking care of Gigi. It's so funny what goes on in Allen's head :)

Well, that's all for now! I'll try to post more as the week progresses!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I know. I know. I'm sorry. Not going to make any excuses. Just going to say that life has been "Hectic" of late. To try to appease you, I'll post some pictures, and even a video!

Allen is taking violin lessons. I forgot how serious music lessons are. This is no tennis lesson where the kids run around and maybe hit the ball and goof off. Oh no! This is serious. We have to practice! We have to be focused! It's been a little challenging, but I think he does like it. Wanna see him? Here he is learning where to put his fingers ...
Poor Allen. Spring Break wasn't very fun for him this year because Gigi needs round-the-clock care, so we couldn't really plan any day trips. But, Allen kept himself -- and us -- entertained. One night he went to help Nana get Gigi ready for bed. Suddenly, we were greeted downstairs by this:
Allen loves messing with Gigi's wig!

We also tried reviving Buck during Spring Break, but he is still rumenating (kind of like hibernating, but he's still conscious. Sort of)

 Brian and I were able to take him to a Fun Park on the last Saturday of his Spring Break. He got to ride Go Carts with Daddy! He was so funny ... all the other kids riding with the parents are waving and smiling. Not Allen. He was concentrating so hard on helping Daddy steer. He didn't even notice me on the sidelines.

This morning, I read Allen the school lunch menu, and he picked the cheeseburger. As we pulled up to the drop-off at school, the following conversation ensued:
Allen: I've had the cheeseburger before. It tasted pretty good.
Me: I love a good cheeseburger
Allen: (Reaching around my backseat to put his arms around my neck) You're my good cheeseburger.
Me: (laughing). And you're my good cheeseburger.
Allen: And Daddy is our good cheeseburger.

That's all for now. For those who read my blog, I apologize again for the long absence. I will try to do better.


PS Allen has his first Bible reading on April 25!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Rare Moment

Allen is snuggling with me. Granted, it's because he's cold, and he's watching SpongeBob, but I will take it any way I can get it. Love my little boy who is growing up too fast!