Sunday, March 1, 2009

Disney Recap: Sea World

Allen adores cars. They are definitely his "thing." But running a close second is his adoration of animals. Pretty much all animals. Because of that, we were all very excited to take Allen to Sea World. Most especially, Nana. She loves Sea World. She loves it so much that Kristen and I decided to do the "Dine with Shamu" thing as my parents' anniversary gift (thanks Kristen).

Needless to say we all enjoyed the day. It took me (literally) at least an hour to sort through all the photos to pick out these "highlights." I hope you enjoy ...

Allen and I got to pet a Clydesdale.

Up close and personal with a Shamu (there are 7) during lunch.
Beautiful shot of one of them.
Happy Nana watching the Shamu behind-the-scenes show.
Allen flirting with two girls while watching the killer whales (note, he did a lot of this at Sea World. He flirted with a woman who had Dory from Finding Nemo on her shirt ... almost touching her chest region. He flirted with a young British lady, trying to rub her leg until Mommy explained that it was inappropriate to touch strangers like that. I was constantly chasing him around).
Allen and Nana, riveted and giddy, watching the dolphin show.
And you can see why. Look! Six dolphins jumping at once!!
Two Shamus at the official Shamu show.
Allen enjoying the official Shamu show.
Obviously, Allen enjoyed the water mammals at Sea World immensely. There were many more pictures I wanted to include, but if I had this post never would have gotten published.
Two other brief stories about this day: Allen sat in a complete stranger's lap before one of the shows (and would have continued if Mommy and Daddy had let him; but we're not that trusting of strangers). And he went behind the counter and "helped" the woman who made his Shamu stuffed animal (think Build-a-Bear). It was adorable.


KMag said...

I did not know that he helped the build a Shamu lady. What a helpful young man he is. The picture of him and Nana is frame worthy.

drevas said...

A horse at Sea World? Was it a sea horse? Ha ha (that may be my corniest joke ever). I too love the pic of Allen and your mom. So cute. I can't wait to take Phoebe on some type of aquarium adventure. My mom loves aquariums too.

essbesee said...

your lil' guy is adorable! thanks for stopping by the claw, too!