Sunday, January 4, 2009

Where to begin?

I apologize to my loyal readers ... I have been a bad blogger the last few days. We had the CO's visit and company, so it's been a bit hectic. I don't really know where to begin, so I think I will just start with the random "gems" (as I have taken to calling them) from Allen. These are in no particular order ...
  • "Noah in the ark" he announced last night at dinner. I don't know why. We were not talking about Noah or about the ark. We were at Saltus restaurant, which is on the water and always causes Allen to think of boats though.
  • Exclaims, "We are Penn State!" (even though they lost the Rose Bowl).
  • Thursday night he was only disciplined once, and today he was not taken out at all, except to be comforted when he started to cry when our family left the meeting (they had to leave early to get ready for their flights). Way to go Allen!
  • Tonight he helped give Micai his bottle. He kept saying, "Cai sit in my yap!"

Obviously, these are not all the "gems" Allen provides us with each day, but these are the ones that I can remember at the moment.



Anonymous said...

And sunday nite during the Egles game he went updatirs to help Nana put something in her room and then decided "I see what GG doing!" and proceeds to go to her room and settle in to watch some TV with her on her bed. "Bye, Nana" and dismissed Cheryl. What a monkey. I iss him already.

KMag said...

Like Papa said, he is a monkey. And like Dad, I "iss" him too. Disney's not too far off.